Larva migrans

Cutaneous larva migrans is due to the larval stages of the hookworm parasite Ancylostoma, most commonly from dogs or cats. It’s transmitted by contact with soil from hookworm ova in dog or cat faeces and is therefore commonly seen in feet, legs and buttocks.

It is characterised by erythema and papules at the site of larval entry, with threadlike serpiginous  subcutaneous trails of inflammation. There may also be papules and vesicles present (and is a cause of parasitic folliculitis). It is very itchy.

It is most commonly seen in tropical countries. The incubation period can be up to 1 month. The disease is self-limiting but responds well to topical and oral anti-parasitic treatments. Secondary bacterial infection can occur. Symptomatic treatment to minimise pruritis may be required.
